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Replica, Reproduction Car/Motorcycle Tax Discs
The thumbnail images on this page are
for quick viewing. If you click on these three images (use -BACK- to return)
you will get a better idea of our quality of reproduction,
although actual discs are far superior to these, being printed from 10MB bitmap files
After making your choice, go to the ordering page
Annual Discs
1921 £7.00 for three + post
1922 £7.00 for three + post
1923 £7.00 for three + post
** all 1923 - 1931 discs have the background security lettering restored **
1924 £7.00 for three + post
1925 £7.00 for three + post
1926 £7.00 for three + post
1927 £7.00 for three + post
1928 £7.00 for three + post
** all 1923 - 1931 discs have the background security lettering restored*
1929 £7.00 for three + post
1930 £7.00 for three + post
** all 1923 - 1931 discs have now had the background security lettering restored *
For any year I can also change the issuing office and
datestamp to that of the original
registration. This is for a total cost of only £11.00
+ post for three discs
1931 £7.00 for three + post
1932 £7.00 for three + post
1933 £7.00 for three + post
1934 £7.00 for three + post
1935 £7.00 for three + post
1936 £7.00 for three + post
1937 £7.00 for three + post
1938 £7.00 for three + post
1939 £7.00 for three + post
1940 £7.00 for three + post
For any year I can now also change the issuing office
and datestamp to that of the original
registration This is for a total cost of only £11.00 +
post for threediscs
1941 £7.00 for three + post
1942 £7.00 for three + post
1943 £7.00 for three + post
1944 £7.00 for three + post
1945 £7.00 for three + post
1946 £7.00 for three + post
1947 £7.00 for three
+ post
1948 £7.00 for three + post
1949 £7.00 for three + post
1950 £7.00 for three + post
For any year I can now also change the issuing office
and datestamp to that of the original
registration This is for a total cost of only £11.00 + post
for three discs
1951 £7.00 for three + post
1952 £7.00 for three + post
1953 £7.00 for three
+ post
1954 £7.00 for three +
1955 £7.00 for three + post
1956 £7.00 for three + post
1957 £7.00 for three + post
1957 Farmers £7.00 for three + post ** (can do farm discs for any year to
order) **
1958 £7.00 for three + post
1959 £7.00 for three + post
1960 £7.00 for three + post
For any year I can now also change the issuing office
and datestamp to that of the original
registrion. This is for a total cost of only £11.00 + post
for three discs
1961 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 1993 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1962 £7.00 for three
+ post
1963 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1964 £7.00 for three +
1965 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 1993 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1966 £7.00 for three + post
1967 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 1993 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1968 £7.00 for three +
1969 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 1993 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1970 £7.00 for three + post
1971 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1972 £7.00 for three + post
1973 £7.00 for
three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1974 £7.00 for
three + post
For any year I can now also change the issuing office
and datestamp to that of the original
registration This is for a total cost of only £11.00 + post
for three discs
1975 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1976 £7.00 for three +
1977 £7.00 for three +
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
both designs used this year 1978 £7.00 for three + post
1979 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1980 £7.00 for three + post
For any year I can now also change the issuing office
and datestamp to that of the original
registration. This is for a total cost of only £11.00
+ post for three discs
1981 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1982 £7.00 for three + post
1983 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1984 £7.00 for three + post
1985 £7.00 for three + post
1961 - 2015 discs can be supplied for any other month not shown - no extra charge!
1986 £7.00 for three + post
1987 £7.00 for three + post
I also now supply the years 1988-2015 (not illustrated - this page will be updated soon)